Spring Boot-What is it? And how do you eat it?

This is not just another post, I will show you in my own words and in a concrete way that is Spring Boot and how to use it


“Spring Boot” is a framework developed, published and maintained by the pivotal organization, seeking to solve several problems of its predecessor Spring Core framework. As the word “boot” in this context is boot/start-Spring, originally Spring Core Framework had a very tedious and difficult process to debug for its configuration before being able to start an application, even a “Hello World”.

At the moment “spring Boot” does all the initial configuration so that you only have to press Run or Play (depending on your IDE) to have a spring application in execution.

Of the great advantages of Spring Boot apart from its “magic” configuration is that the applications are considered “STAND ALONE” because the framework has an Apache TOMCAT server embedded in your project (then explain a little more of this).

Technical information and minimum requirements:

Source: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/getting-started-system-requirements.html

To be able to use this wonderful framework you will have to have installed at least the version 8 of Java. For all the examples and/or tutorials that you find in this blog always use maven.

Spring has its own IDE called Spring Tool Suite, is based on eclipse so it is portable and this optimized for projects with spring, even gives you an execution button where you can start your application with an embedded server in a very easy way. You can download it in this link, once again the examples will be developed under this IDE but can use any other (NetBeans, IntelliJ, Eclipse).

Get to work

Setup of your work environment:

How to create a project:

Spring Boot gives us a base project so you do not have to start from scratch, the best-known form is in its official website where you create the project, you download it as a. zip and then you import into your IDE. But also STS gives us a direct option where we can create the project directly in the IDE and so do not have to download and import.

I’ll show you step by step the two options in the next video, it’s up to you who want to use, I will use direct creation from STS for the rest of my tutorials or examples.

Well, dear reader, this is all for this post. If you have any questions or questions do not hesitate to leave it in the comments, do not forget to give like and share this post with your classmates.

Thank you.


Spring Boot Introduction:

  1. Spring Boot-What is it? And how do you eat it? Current
  2. Spring Boot + MVC Part 1 | Using JSP?
  3. Spring Boot + MVC Part 2 | Using Thymeleaf
  4. Spring Boot CRUD + MVC + JPA + H2 Part 1
  5. Spring Boot CRUD + MVC + JPA relations 1:1 and *:*

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