In this opportunity I will explore a little deeper Spring Data and JPA. We will replicate the scenario of the previous tutorial (Spring Boot CRUD + MVC + JPA + H2) Adding user roles with relationships from many to many (1: *) and one-to-one configuration (1:1). See in the following image the entity model relationship…
Categoría: Tutoriales
Aunque vamos con un ritmo lento y de manera muy superficial, te estoy mostrando el uso de Spring Boot con diferentes componentes y como se usa en la diferentes capas de una aplicacion web para poder crear un proyecto. Ya vimos Spring Boot + MVC en la capa de vista en tutoriales anteriores y en este…
Although we go with a slow pace and very superficially, I’m showing you the use of Spring Boot with different components and as used in the different layers of a Web application to create a project. We saw Spring Boot + MVC in the view layer in previous tutorials and in this post you will learn…
Deja de usar JSP para crear tus aplicaciones web, este es un mundo donde tienes infinidades de herramientas con pros y contras, date la oportunidad de conocerlas y decidir si valen la pena o no. En caso de que quieras ver la parte 1 de este tutorial the dejo el enlace:Spring Boot + MVC Parte…
Stop using JSP to create your Web applications, this is a world where you have countless tools with pros and cons, give yourself the opportunity to know and decide whether they are worth it or not. In case you want to see Part 1 of this tutorial then I leave the link: Spring Boot +…