Spring boot Security login with MYSQL We will create a simple but pretty login as we did here, with a user with role “user” and another user “ADMIN”. To start you should know how to connect your application with the MYSQL database. If you do not know how you can look at my tutorial where I…
Spring Boot + MySQL database connection The most important thing about an information system or computer software is to be able to save your information and that is achieved by connecting to a database. In this tutorial I will show you how to connect to a MYSQL database. Obviously as a pre-requisite you must have…
Spring Boot + MySQL Conexión Base de datos Lo mas importante de un sistema de información o un software informático es poder guardar tu información y eso se logra conectando con una base de datos. En este tutorial te mostrare como conectar a una base de datos MYSQL. Obviamente como pre-requisito debes de tener instalado tu servidor…
Security With Spring Boot Spring Boot Security provides you with a basic, self-configuring security layer by simply including the following dependency on your pom.xml. <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>Spring-boot-starter-security</artifactId> </dependency> How does it work? Once Spring Boot imports the dependency libraries, it puts a layer between view and controller forcing you to only allow access if you…
Spring Boot Exportar Ejecutable Exportar tu aplicación web, crear un ejecutable o desplegarla en un servidor web es una parte crucial en el desarrollo de software. Te da la visibilidad y la seguridad de que las cosas están “funcionando”, también la puedes pasar a etapa de pruebas o QA para identificar errores y finalmente ponerla…